WASABI is part of the I4MS2 initiative, which include CIRCULOOSAI REDGIO 5.0, and AIRISE.

These forward-thinking projects share a unified goal: to transform the European manufacturing sector by enhancing the sustainability, resilience, and competitiveness of SMEs and small mid-caps. I4MS2 builds on the success of the ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) program, which supports manufacturing companies in adopting the latest digital technologies.

The I4MS2 projects aim to drive cost-efficient production and significantly reduce the environmental footprint of the manufacturing sector.

Learn more about them and stay tuned for the launch of their Open Calls and the funding opportunities for European SMEs.

AI per una produzione a zero difetti: sfide e opportunità per le PMI

In today’s manufacturing landscape, maintaining high-quality standards while staying competitive is more important than ever. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face growing challenges in reducing defects, optimising production, and adopting new technologies....


CIRCULOOS – Circular and Dynamic Manufacturing Supply Chain Orchestration and OptimiSation

CIRCULOOS offers a transformative opportunity towards circular economy for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) where cutting-edge tools leverage the power of trusted data to build an ecosystem of collaborators where supply chains are dynamic, and optimal in terms of their impact on the environment and orchestrated end-to-end.

Blockchain, DataSpaces for the Industry 4.0, Process Automation, AI-based LCA, Machine Vision and Robotics are fused together to form the machinery for this transformation.


AI REDGIO 5.0 – Regions and (E)DIHs alliance for AI-at-the-Edge adoption
by European Industry 5.0 Manufacturing SMEs

The AI REDGIO 5.0 project focuses on renovating and extending the alliance between Vanguard European regions and Digital Innovation Hubs, taking into account the outcomes of H2020 I4MS AI REGIO and implementing a competitive AI-at-the-Edge Digital Transformation of Industry 5.0 Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises.


AIRISE – Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing for Sustainable Applications at SMEs

AIRISE promotes the increased use of Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing, and its primary focus is on empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the adoption of AI, by enhancing their skills and capabilities.

The AIRISE ecosystem offers a comprehensive range of services, ranging from scientific support, across shop-floor deployment support, to skills and education on the use of AI in manufacturing.

The key objective is a reduction of waste and carbon footprint while ensuring a resilient production.