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CARSA is a leading, international strategic research, innovation and technology management consultancy, with 35 years of experience in executing projects/service contracts, providing advisory services and assistance to public authorities and private clients, and monitoring and evaluating the development of policies, projects and programmes with a focus on digital transformation/innovation, industrial modernisation, SMEs and also entrepreneurship.

CARSA is the WASABI coordinator (WP7 leader).

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BIBA is an engineering research institute exploring the technological and organizational challenges and the opportunities presented by the human-centric digitalization of logistics and production processes.

BIBA, in WASABI, leads WP2 which is focused on designing and developing the digital assistance solutions and will provide significant parts of the core infrastructure (COALA assistant).


UNIMORE and specifically the Information System Group led by Prof. Federica Mandreoli, has extensive expertise in data analytics, data-centric AI, and digital manufacturing.

UNIMORE, in WASABI, will technically support the design and development of software components supporting hybrid decision-making and will coordinate the development of the digital twin components that will be experimented and refine in the industrial sites. The activity will support Reinova demo implementation and will assure the proper lead of the data management activities and the evaluation results and lessons learned as well as the recommendation for further research and business opportunities.


SYXIS is a federation that delivers digital circular technologies for the manufacturing sector, involving innovative enterprises for testing sustainable pathways. SYXIS connects SMEs, organisations and research centres across Europe, towards topics such as digitalisation, sustainability and circular economy.

SYXIS, in WASABI, leverages its proprietary rEUse waste management digital platform, to manage circular economy information about products, processes and services, implementing it into the three use cases. SYXIS, also, manages the communication and dissemination plan, leading the WP6.

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SINTEF is a broad, multidisciplinary research organization with top-level international expertise in technology, the natural sciences, medicine, and the social sciences.

SINTEF, in WASABI, is the leader of WP1 and coordinates the requirements monitoring, including progress checks, revisions, and extension of the requirements list, and is also the administrative coordinator of the open calls. Furthermore, SINTEF takes on an exploitation role with MEWS.


TTTech is an industrial IT provider offering highly innovative software technology solutions to various sectors to support digital transformation.

TTTech, in WASABI, is the technology integrator with a leading role in integrating the assistance solutions in the experiment end-users (edge) infrastructure.


ATLANTIS ENGINEERING SA, is an ICT company expert in offering asset management related services and bespoke products to the manufacturing industry, emphasising on providing decision support for the management and optimisation of production activities and the life cycle of assets, as well as on the streamlining of various maintenance related processes (predictive/condition-based).

The company supports the clients in understanding and prioritising the smart manufacturing route towards cognitive manufacturing and Industry 4.0, and in obtaining a holistic view of their plant performance. ATLANTIS is also certified for quality management (EN ISO 9001:2015) and for the security of information (ISO 27001:2013).

ATLANTIS is participating in the WASABI project as a technical provider, being actively involved in the development of skills for the digital assistant able to provide predictive quality functionalities, by utilising Machine Learning algorithms. ATLANTIS will also be responsible for the federation module for shop adaptation and serves as a use case/experiments facilitator for deploying WASABI solutions.

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ICCS is an engineering-focused academic institute with a strong background in developing advanced ICT for manufacturing. 

ICCS has already developed a component that builds predictive quality models and prescribes mitigating actions, which will directly contribute to supporting WASABI hybrid decision-making features. ICCS, in WASABI, also leads the technology development for the software royalty management, capitalising on its competencies in smart contract management and tracking technologies.


MEWS is a consulting company with a plethora of tools and methods for the technology-driven innovation potential of the manufacturing sector.

MEWS, in WASABI, is involved in the requirements elicitation, through use case refinement, evaluation, and validation, including recommendations for identifying business opportunities (WP4 leadership). Mews prepares and monitors the change management approach and drives the exploitation activities.


REINOVA is an industrial company with deep knowledge of automotive battery testing and safety, and cybersecurity validation of battery systems.

REINOVA, in WASABI, is the end-user in one of the archetype experiments and, specifically, the one for the assisted quality assurance for sustainable products.

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Ku Leuven CiTiP

KUL, specifically its CiTiP (research center at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of KU Leuven), specialises in the legal and ethical aspects of IT innovation and intellectual property.

CiTiP, in WASABI, deals with the legal and ethical issues. It evaluates the assistant-relevant contract and tort law frameworks, and assesses how potential regulatory gaps can be remedied in an AI context. In WASABI CiTiP is one of the SSH partners.


i-Deal Srl is an innovative SME that designs and develops IT solutions supported by Artificial Intelligence technologies, such as Image Analysis and Machine Learning, and an active partner of several European projects.

i-Deal Srl, in Wasabi, is responsible for the adaptation of PrestaShop (the open-source e-commerce shop software) to distribute digital assistance solutions, and leads the ethics and privacy management activities, due to their competence and long-standing experience as a provider of the Digital Product Passport (DPO) and of the anonymisation component.

ITB – Bremen University

ITB stands for the Institute of Technology and Education of the University of Bremen and focuses on VET research with the subject areas of initial and continuing VET and occupations and vocational training systems.

ITB, in WASABI, is the leading partner for the development of learning concepts and media for human-AI collaboration, capitalizing on its scientific work and accumulated experience. Bremen University is one of the SSH partner.

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TRIMEK is a metrological systems and solutions manufacturer, based in Spain, that supplies a wide range of products and solutions to improve the quality control and the in-line inspection processes. It is specialized in the design and manufacturing of Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs), 3D scanning in high-definition & high-speed digitization, and it is the owner of the M3 software to capture and analyze point clouds.

TRIMEK, in WASABI, is the end-user that brings their expertise in metrology processes and will actively participate in the implementation of WASABI solutions within their processes for the improvement of the preparation and use of metrology tools (CMMs and M3 software) via a digital assistant, and the integration of the calibration and verification artifacts under the concept of circular entities.

CROMA Gio.Batta

CROMA Gio.Batta is a sale and management company of surgical instruments and medical devices, which also deals with the design and construction of centres (CROMA GIO BATTA ESPAÑA SL) for the supply and the sterilisation service of rental surgical instruments for public hospitals and private clinics.

Passion and the constant search for innovative products with high quality standards, have led Croma Gio.Batta to join the WASABI project with the role of pilot use case representing the end user in the validation process of the WASABI Waste Inspector, connecting the customised version of the Coala Digital Assistant tool (BIBA) with the rEUse Waste Management platform (Syxis).


EPISCAN is a Canarian-based company engaged in the circular and sustainable economy within the mask manufacturing sector, entirely produced or processed in the Canary Islands. Episcan offers a full range of personal protective equipment (PPE) including surgical gowns, leg warmers and caps.

EPISCAN, in WASABI, is primarily involved in validating and evaluating various WASABI digital assistance solutions (the main focus is on the onboarding assistant).

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KlisBio is a medtech company, a silk-based prosthetics manufacturer, currently developing a variety of regenerative medicine implantable products leveraging the power of silk fibroin, to promote an endogenous repair of human soft tissues.

KlisBio, in WASABI, is the end-user in the validation process of assistance solutions on product quality testing.


INNOVALIA has a strong background in ICT solutions focused on manufacturing SMEs. INNOVALIA is part of the Digital Innovation Hub for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS), which is part of the I4MS ( DIH network.

INNOVALIA, in WASABI, is the technical coordinator of the Open Calls (WP5 leader).